Why It's Time To Cut The Bullsh*t In Dating

Are you tired of playing games when it comes to dating? It's time to ditch the mind games and get some real, authentic dating advice. Whether you're in your 20s or 50s, finding love shouldn't be a game. Check out this guide to mature personals for some helpful tips on finding love after 50 in Denver. It's time to be genuine and open in your search for love.

Dating can be a tricky game to navigate. With so many unspoken rules, mixed signals, and societal pressures, it's easy to get caught up in the BS of it all. But it's time to cut through the nonsense and get real about what we want and deserve in our dating lives.

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The Pressure to Play Games

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One of the biggest sources of BS in dating is the pressure to play games. Whether it's waiting a certain amount of time to text back, pretending to be less interested than you really are, or trying to come off as someone you're not, it's all a bunch of nonsense. Playing games only leads to confusion and miscommunication, and it's time to put an end to it.

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We should be able to be open and honest about our feelings and intentions without fear of being judged or rejected. If we want to text someone, we should be able to do so without worrying about seeming too eager. If we like someone, we should be able to express that without fear of scaring them off. It's time to cut the BS and be upfront about what we want.

The Fear of Rejection

Rejection is a natural part of dating, but it's often seen as a taboo subject. We're taught to fear rejection and to avoid it at all costs, which leads to a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. But the truth is, rejection is not the end of the world. It's simply a part of the dating process, and we need to learn to accept it and move on.

Instead of trying to avoid rejection, we should embrace it as a learning experience. It's an opportunity to grow and improve ourselves, and it can ultimately lead us to the right person. By cutting the BS of fearing rejection, we can approach dating with a more open and positive mindset.

The Hookup Culture

In today's dating landscape, hookup culture has become the norm. While casual hookups can be fun and exciting, they often come with their own set of BS. There's pressure to act a certain way, to avoid catching feelings, and to always keep things casual. But the reality is, not everyone is cut out for the hookup lifestyle, and that's perfectly okay.

It's time to cut through the BS of hookup culture and be honest with ourselves about what we truly want. If we're looking for something more meaningful, we shouldn't feel pressured to conform to the hookup norm. We should be able to pursue relationships that align with our values and desires, without feeling judged or shamed for it.

The Importance of Communication

At the end of the day, the key to cutting through the BS in dating is open and honest communication. It's time to have real conversations about what we want and need from a relationship. We should be able to express our desires, boundaries, and expectations without fear of judgment.

By prioritizing communication, we can avoid the unnecessary games and stress that often come with dating. We can build genuine connections based on mutual understanding and respect. It's time to cut through the BS and approach dating with authenticity and transparency.


Dating doesn't have to be filled with BS. By cutting through the games, fear of rejection, hookup culture, and prioritizing communication, we can create more fulfilling and meaningful connections. It's time to be honest with ourselves and others about what we want and deserve in our dating lives. Let's cut through the nonsense and approach dating with authenticity and confidence.